A wild animal has been displayed on each page of this year’s calendar.
Alongside there is a small picture to remind us of their unjust life imprisonment in zoos.
COVID-19 has forced humans to live in confinement and fear… it has made most of us compare this existence to that of the poor animals in zoos.
If humans did not visit zoos they would close.
Animals would not be captured from the wild or be specially bred in captivity, only to be displayed as show pieces.
Just like zoos stopped displaying human dwarfs, albinos and hunchbacks from around the world for visitors to gape at it is high time to stop to stop the display of all species.
No Visitors = No Zoos
to see wild species let us resolve to
Visit Preserves, Not Prisons
Additional wall calendars, up to 20 copies, are available for members against a donation of Rs 200/- per copy, and for more than 20 @ Rs 150/-. |