To date, every year since its inception, BWC has achieved some thing! To see ALL our Achievements please click here.
With specific goals in mind Beauty Without Cruelty has sincerely carried out its work, however kept a low profile. Most tasks undertaken have been difficult, often seemed impossible to achieve, but frustration has never made the organization give up even when implementation was stalled. Sticking to the facts, a persistent follow-up and constantly looking for new ways to achieve its aims has led BWC to success in many instances.
Our Achievements between 1991 and 2000 are:
A Vegetarian Lifestyle
BWC has over the years promoted reverence for all life – dogs and chickens alike. In keeping with its motto BWC – India came out in its 25th year (1999) with a publication (CD and book versions) entitled A Vegetarian Lifestyle. It covered all aspects of our lives and included brand names of packaged consumer products made as per BWC criteria. (Considerable information contained in the book has become out-dated.)
Halting Clandestine Trade in Wildlife
In 1995, BWC convinced the Central Zoo Authority (CZA) that animal carcasses should be disposed off and not auctioned and put back into circulation. Accordingly, the CZA issued a directive to all zoos in India that disposal of carcasses should be either burying or burning and that none of them should be skinned or made into trophies as it encourages clandestine trade in wildlife.
Film Censored
In 1994 BWC convinced the Central Board of Film Certification to censor certain parts of the film Betaaj Badshah in which the mouth of a leopard had been stitched for its performance.
BWC Investment Guide
In 1994 BWC published its first edition of its Investment Guide. Companies quoted on the Stock Exchange were categorized as per BWC criteria and listed accordingly.
“Pet” Libraries Closed
In 1993 BWC created awareness about the “unique” Pet Libraries which had sprouted up in a few cities and were enthusiastically but unthinkingly supported by animal lovers. They took pride in loaning live creatures like dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, tortoise, fish, snakes and birds (parrots and mynas), all given swanky names. It was dealt with no differently to borrowing books from a library. BWC pointed out that the “pets” go through enormous psychological strain being shifted from one home to another and handled by umpteen humans. Within a short period of time the libraries were successfully convinced and closed down.
Export Ban on Live Animals and Birds
In 1991, in response to BWC’s representations, the Chief Controller of Imports and Exports wrote: “Barring the export of sheep and goats, we are not permitting the exports of cattle, donkeys, horses, etc. Birds are no longer allowed for export as they have been shifted to Banned List of the Export Policy”. (Unfortunately, in 1997 the export of exotic birds of foreign origin was reopened.)
Wildlife Items Destroyed
For the first time ever, in order to bring down the demand for animal products and not put seized wildlife items back into circulation, BWC in collaboration with the Chief Wildlife Warden, Delhi, and the Government of India organized a Bonfire in 1991 when goods worth Rs 7,000,000 were destroyed.
100 Buffaloes Saved
At the Mari Jathra and Thingala Jathra in villages around Tumkur, Karnataka, sacrificial beheading of male buffaloes to appease goddess Maramma takes place at annual fairs. In 1991, Beauty Without Cruelty along with Akhil Karnataka Prani Daya Sangh managed to foil the beheading of about 100 buffaloes by contacting localities, distributing leaflets and giving speeches.