The fate of the disappearing gold fish is horrible. A jar of water containing a small lonely fish is emptied into a fish tank over which a cloth is draped. Soon after when the cloth is taken off, the fish is no longer visible.
It was deliberately killed by the strong acid which had been added to the fish tank water. The fish suffered and died, and then its body disintegrated and merged with the sand on the floor of the fish tank.
Another fishy item: backstage, pins or magnets are inserted into the bodies of fish; on stage, they swim in the direction they are told because the magician controls them with a concealed magnet.
Fish feel pain like we do.
Dogs are given treats and just before they can reach them, they vanish right under their noses. It’s not clever, but cruel. The dogs are kept hungry, jump to catch the food. No doubt, this is a much lesser degree of torture than what is meted out to the other creatures, but torture nevertheless.
The Magician’s Oath
Specially made equipment like boxes, tables, buckets, wax, thread, etc. to make live animals vanish and/or reappear are manufactured. Several collapsing contraptions can discreetly crush a creature to death while another similar looking one promptly appears elsewhere on stage. Magicians never admit they have killed birds.
Well known magicians are all recipients of the International Magicians’ Society’s Merlin Award. The Magician’s Oath administered by the International Brotherhood of Magicians forbids them to reveal the secret of any illusion to a non-magician. It is therefore difficult to prove that animals have suffered or died on stage or even during practice. Practice involves performing the trick over and over again in front of a mirror till perfect.
India’s Magicians
They have stopped using endangered species so wildlife laws no longer apply – India’s legendary magician the late K Lal had introduced wild animals such a lion, panther, tiger, crocodile and elephant in his magic shows.
Maneka Sorcar the only Indian woman magician has been credited with creating illusions such as the disappearance of the Taj Mahal.
Poornima and Prahlad Acharya’s show is Maya Jadoo and by splicing drama with magic they call it “dramagic”.
In 2018 Magician Jitendra Raghuvir’s show completed 15,300 shows in 27 countries. They do not use any live animals or birds on or off the stage – no wonder they have been running for 4 generations! Their specialities are riding motorcycle blindfold, air levitation of a girl from the audience, Tubezac illusion, money rain on the stage, Houdini box and many more illusions.
Magic shows and jugglery are a part of Sonepur Mela too.
In 1995 magician Gopinath Muthukad founded the Magic Academy Research Centre at Thiruvananthapuram. Here the Indian rope trick, the green mango trick, cups and balls, Indian basket and other heritage magic acts are learnt.
Gopinath Muthukad has used magic to spread virtuous ideals among masses via National Integration Magic Shows, Vismaya Bharatha Yathra, Gandhi Mantra, Vismaya Swaraj Yatra and Mission India.
Young magician Philip Tiju Abraham is following in his footsteps.
Luckily, animals and birds don’t appeal much to most of India’s new generation of magicians. “Sawing a person into half isn’t going to cut it any more – the audience is smarter than that” says Ugesh Sarcar who is known as an illusionist and mystician and has anchored a show on TV with some mind boggling tricks.
Rahul Kharbanda from Delhi calls himself a illusionist. His work involves modern gadgets primarily the iPad from which he can pull out playing cards or bring a glass and drink out by just drawing it on the iPad.
Karan Singh calls himself a psychological illusionist. His intuitiveness makes him penetrate people’s minds. For example, he asks his audience to think of Game of Thrones characters that he later correctly guesses.
Chanchal Lahiri (Mandrake) who drowned in the Hooghly in June 2019 while performing a stunt also called himself an illusionist. Magic has turned tragic for humans, animals and birds.
Beauty Without Cruelty feels magic shows with animals are far from magical and need to be boycotted in the same way as circuses with animals. Let’s applaud magic without animals & birds.